Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas - I love it! I'm the one who wants to start playing Christmas music and put up the decorations right after Halloween. I'm always disturbed at how early the stores prepare for the next holiday, except for Christmas. Somehow, I think I would be ok if Christmas stuff was out ALL year. And if nothing else, we really should celebrate Christmas in July as well.

So, with both excitement and anxiousness, Mike and I set out on a three city tour of Florida in 7 days. Surprisingly, we found some time to relax, spend time with friends, enjoy both sides of the family, and even get time with each other. We were very pleased with our visit. The lack of drama is something we embrace. Pleasantly surprised!

For an official report, my biopsies were confirmed as Celiac Disease. I already feel much better, in even a short amount of time. I can easily pinpoint if I eat something I shouldn't have, but the recovery is miserable. Luckily, we have started to find our way around the grocery, kitchen, and even eating out (thank you Red Robin, Jason's Deli, and Outback). And to make it even more feasible, Mike's family took really good care of me. They made me a crustless Pumpkin Pie, Turkey pie with potatoes instead of crust, and had plenty of fruit for me to enjoy. And, one of my Christmas presents was a bag FULL of Gluten-free food and a cookbook! It's much more comforting now.

So, after my upgrade for a camera, we had several other surprises. My sister and dad bought us the Wii Fit. And may is that entertaining! You should see Mike hula hoop 8 hoops at once! His little mii even does his pelvic rotation crazy dance! It's a great work out, especially when it's raining too. Ontop of all that, we have some gift certificates to spend, clothes to wear (including the good ole underwear), and toys to break in. THANK YOU SANTA!

On a completely different note, I'm trying to get this photography business up and running and make it more of a stable thing. Hopefully the website and such will be up and running shortly. I've posted a few photos from our time in Florida, including a maternity session with Graham and Becky (our old roommates and dear friends) filled (literally) with joy for the new addition expected in March. There should be more photos to view at the website and Facebook.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

It is finished.

This time last week, I had no idea what I would encounter in the days ahead. Mike and I were able t escape for a few days and had an incredible break. I got greedy quickly and began longing for Christmas break and another weekend away. Sunday I felt sick again. And was Monday.

We had already decided that it was going to be difficult to fit my birthday celebration, so Monday we had set aside for dinner. Monday morning, I received a phone call. The doctor. My results came back from the previous week - abnormal. They asked to schedule a epsoejaherj. I had no idea, what the lady was talking about. Finally, she said EDG and that I would be sedated so I needed a driver. I scheduled the appointment...Wednesday morning. And then I began my research.

The last script I had for blood testing was for celiac. Thanks to Google, I found EDG or Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The short, they were going to shove a tube down my throat. Take some pictures and sample tissue. Being deathly afraid of throwing up and gagging on even the tongue depressor, I called back in a panic to see if I would be knocked out. She just kept saying, "IV sedation." I didn't want to know how or what, just to what extent. I wanted all to be OUT...completely. They couldn't give me the answer I was looking for.

So, Wednesday it was. We arrived an hour early and they started prepping me. I had a pretty little gown and cozy little bed and blanket. Luckily, I've gotten used to needles, so the pricking and saline IV wasn't a big problem. Surprisingly, I was able to relax. THANKS to all of your prayers! Right on time, they wheeled me in to the other room. I had two shots of something and then they had me turn over. That seemed like and easy task, until I sat up. DIZZINESS! She said that was normal. I made it over and couldn't open my eyes any more. She put something in my mouth...hard plastic. It had an opening for the tube to fit in, but was a bit uncomfortable. It was difficult to swallow, and I tried to pull it out. She didn't really like my stubbornness, so I think she gave me another shot. That's all I remember.

Next thing I know, I hear Mike. He was holding my hand and said "You can't have oatmeal anymore." Somehow my eyes opened. The doctor and Mike were with me. The doctor apparently explaining what he had seen. Meanwhile, I drifted in and out of consciousness. Somewhere along the way, I had a nice wheelchair ride, car ride, stopped for a coke, and made it home to the couch. Some things started to surface, and I began to realize everything going on. Drugs...and the results. Celiac disease. Finally, an answer. I have pretty pictures, or maybe not so pretty, of my stomach and intestines. The villi, they're dead. The treatment: Gluten Free Diet, for life. Yes, nothing with wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc. Fruits, veggies, potatoes are ok. Nothing else is...or so it seems.

And Bob's your uncle! The good and the bad. I am sooooo thankful for all of your prayers and support throughout the past two years or so along this long battle! It seems as though we have an answer. The biopsies, due back in a week, will confirm the accusation. For now, we are both thankful and distressed. We are very grateful for answers, but for me, I am searching for the way to make this normal. There seem to be quite a few options now. I have yet to find them. We are hopeful, very hopeful. It is just another chapter and transition period. Please keep praying for me during this transition. It seems as Celiac Disease is probably the end, but there does seem to be tendency for thinks to worsen and even lead to cancer. Like I said, we are hopeful. But we are also prayerful. Thanks again for ALL of your prayers, support, and encouragement!

OK, so more good news...we celebrated my birthday and Christmas this week. A new camera (and other photo goodies.) I am soooooooooooo excited! It's amazing what a step (or two) up can do. Take a look for yourself. I'm really hoping to get this photography business up and running sometime soon too. It will be a great day when that is my primary source of income for the family.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

off the grid

It happened...finally. We disappeared. Not for long, but for 36 hours, we were gone.

Some of our dearest family friends allowed us to venture out to the sticks, and I mean STICKS, to enjoy their house in northern NC, just south of the Virginia border. They warned us that there was very little to do so we brought some games along. We finally made it out the door close to 7 on Thursday night. After a quick detour to Chik-fil-A and some two lane roads that lasted for 1.5 hours, we made it to our first turn off. Shortly after, I killed my first possum. Well, after he caught glimpse of me going 70 mph, he continued to walk straight into my car. Luckily, I never heard the tires, duh-dum, but just some scraping underneath the car. There's a chance, very SMALL chance he was able to continue walking after that. As we gathered our bearings and continued through the village, we were just in time to see a little dog threesome on the side of the road. A great start to our journey.

After 2 hours, we made it. Stopped at the closest grocery store (about 10 miles away). A dirt road. Lake. Peace. Quiet. It was perfect. After enjoying CSI and some reading, we called it an early night. We slept in. Read. Made some lunch. Played lots of games. Read. And enjoyed satellite tv. Thank you Discovery Channel. Mike was also kind enough to let me watch the original Beverly Hills 90210 a few times. We didn't see a single person after our grocery store run. We didn't even hear any one once we made it to the house. When we packed up to leave, it took us about an hour to even find cell phone coverage.

It was perfect! It's amazing what 36 hours of peace and quiet can do. Disappearing off the grid was exactly what we needed. Now, it's on with the holidays. The next appointment going on my calendar, another trip to nowhere. And I can't wait.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


ok, so I need to start this conversation with a flashback. Then, I'll get on with the update of today.

A couple years back, Mike and I went to Chili's to eat. We were meeting several other people there, but we were the first to arrive. They were all on their way and should be arriving any minute. We put our name on the waiting list and before we knew it, our table was ready. We stepped up to the podium and gave our name. The hostess asked "Where's the rest of your party?" We knew that this could mean forfeiting our table, but also couldn't hide the fact that no one was behind us. Not to mention that we wanted to be honest. So, we said "They're coming. They should be right behind us." She said, "Where are they?" We responded with "They're in transit." She says, "TRANSIT?!" We say, "Yes, transit. They're right behind us." Again she says, "TRANSIT?!" And then turns around and asks the other hostess what TRANSIT MEANS! So, with that, we like to say "TRANSIT" whenever there is chaos, confusion, or plain dumb moments.

The last hour has been a little, no A LOT transit. We decided we should stop "borrowing" the neighbor's wi-fi and get our own. We found a great deal and made an appointment. Well, we received a phone call saying everything was hooked up, but our modem had not arrived. They said it would be a few days, and we knew that probably meant it would be after the weekend. Surprisingly, an hour or two later, it was on our doorstep. Well, Mike ripped open the box and seemed pretty intimidated by the amount of electronics and wires that came flying out. (It's not often you can scare Mike - especially with electronics.) We've put it off a few days, but tonight we decided would work. So, plugging things in. Finding a good spot to hide it. Making sure there was room for a modem and router, ETC. Well, after about 2 minutes, Mike gave up on the software (even after the kind computer voice guy walked him through it) and called the "magic" number in the directions. All he got was the annoying fax machine noise. He hung up, and found another number.

So, the first two minutes on the line were spent with Mike responding to the machine with, "Yes. No, Technical support. Operator. Help. No. Yes. etc" That in itself was entertaining, but then the real fun began.

Mike finally got ahold of a person. She tells him he should have called someone else. Mike says, "No." and continues to read, every last word, from the computer screen that prompted him to call her. She finally decided to accept the call. Meanwhile, Mike took this as an invitation for a laugh. I, just got to listen. Not only to Mike, but the lady on the other side was loud enough that I could hear her response. (I can see this is kind of long, so I won't give the entire conversation. I will give some of the beginning convo and then some highlights from the rest of it.)

Operator: "What's the problem?"
Mike: "It's not working."
O: "Well, what's wrong?"
M: "It's not working."
O: "Why isn't it working?"
M: "Because it's not hooked up to the internet."
O: "OK,well you probably don't have access to it."
M: "Yes. Our service started on Friday, November 14 at 4:40pm."
the operator continues to go through and verify our account information.

I'm losing it at this point. So, I'm going to let Mike finish telling this story....

I am not quite the storyteller that Sara is, but I will try to get a little recap of my 72:34 CSR call. Now, this gal from somewhere in Asia was really really patient. She was reading a lot of cues that I must admit were setup fairly well by the ISP. First, there were the ridiculous questions that they have to ask about your last 4 ssn, date of birth, address, mothers maiden name, first childhood crush.... etc.

Then we start to troubleshoot... There were all kinds of further silly questions asking if I had the power on the modem, if I had the telephone wire plugged into the wall, if I had the modem connected to my computer. This took about 20 minutes.

We spent the next 30 minutes following assanine prompts that all failed. We pretty much had to go into DOS and reset all internet settings then do a bunch of other stuff and then some more stuff. Then restart windows and stuff.

Finally after taking the computer to internet ground zero, things started clicking. I filled out ridiculous settings and stuff for email accounts I will never use. I cannot believe the lady had the patience to put up with a phone call this long. She was definitely Johnny on the spot! I asked her if my call was longer than average... she laughed and said yes.

Then comes all the ridiculous profit centers for ATT. Apparently they have some deal with Yahoo! where they try to wrestle your traditional internet habits away from you and keep you on Yahoo! webpages and install all these Yahoo! toolbars and stuff. Then they want all your contact information. She asked me what email address I wanted to send all their updates (spam) to... I gave them the address that I had just setup with them and told her that I was never going to check because I didn't want to give her my good one

Then comes all the obligatory end of the phone call things where she reads the whole, 'have I satisfactorily fulfilled all of your requests, have I been awesome, is ATT tech support the best ever?' In the process of all that she tells me she is going to send an email to evaluate her/ATT service. I asked her if I filled it out if it 'will that help you get a raise?' She wouldn't answer the question, but to me it was a very important question - because if it is just for ATT's tech reputation, then I could care less... but if it would reflect positively on this patient woman on the other side of the planet, then I would fill it out.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Seriously...this time thing is really throwing me off.  I cannot believe it's already November!  

I do love the leaves changing.  It seems to last much longer than it did in Ohio.  And of course any leaves that are different from green and brown are better than the one you find in Florida.

I love the weather!  I've used my heated seats a few times already.  But by the time I leave work, I always wish I would have worn a t-shirt under my sweater.  It's probably 15 degrees warmer.

I love watching football when it feels like football weather.  I love that we can eat chili - HOT and it doesn't make us sweat because it's 80 degrees out.  I love making a fire because we need a fire.

I love that it takes 10 minutes to get anywhere in this city.  I love some classic places being around (Chik-fil-a and Moe's), but I also love the random family owned places here too.  

I love having a house to ourselves and multiple bathrooms.  We do love visitors and sometimes it feels lonely without others home when I come home.

I love Pullen Park.  A place of true diversity and almost as good as Disney Land, without making you go broke.  I love the sound of the trains and children playing outside.

Here's what I don't like: being sick!  Obviously, I think I have many more problems than I really have.  However, several can attest that I do have physical problems of some sort.  Although I am so thankful that I have a friend that has been through the health ringer this past year, I would not wish this on anyone.  I have been to the doctors, drugstore, etc. too many times to count.  For the most part, I still come up empty handed.  I may find some type of relief for the day, or maybe even week, but it doesn't seem to be too long before something else seeps in.  Seriously, what's the deal?!  It's very rare I have a fever, but today my temperature dropped to 95 degrees.  3 month ago I was having some severe constipation and this week I have spent to days sitting on the toilet.  How am I supposed to make sense of this?  Yes, stress and anxiety can cause major problems.  That doesn't seem to be the deal now.  Please pray for wisdom and direction as we continue to search for some answers.  Thank you!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



I'm home alone.  I can hear the fan for the refrigerator running.  The kids yelling and laughing outside. And when the AC kicks on or off.  I haven't really heard these sounds in quite awhile.  Something about it is peaceful.

Martha and MJ have been with us a few weeks now.  (They got the keys to their place today.)  Mike and I have been blessed with matching schedules.  The Waltons are coming to visit this weekend.  A breath of peace and quiet is a fun change of pace, especially after teaching teenagers all day.  And now, the moment is over...the boys are home.

So, work is busy..., no, who am I kidding.  We only have two students.  Things are going well, for one and not so much the other.  I mean, why do teenage girls always have to have an attitude?  The more I'm around them, the more respect I have for my dad.  I mean, why on earth would you raise three teenage girls on your own?  My dad has got to be the biggest hero!  Not only did he put up with me, but two others.  What was HE thinking?!

So, on another side note, FINANCES!  I feel like it's the big elephant.  With the stock market and all that, everyone is talking about.  We're still a few hundred dollars short of our support.  Plus, I'm still trying to find some supplemental income to make up the difference for out FL condo and attorney fees.  Tutoring isn't working out the best, so we're back to a few months ago:  I'm starting my own business!  So, for now, I'm looking for models.  Seriously!  I'm going to start a photography business.  I feel like my shots have gotten quite a bit better over the past year or two.  I do have a lot of growing to do, but I'm hoping to learn as I make some extra cash.  So, if you're around and interested, let me know.  Babies, maternity, couples, children, seniors, etc.  I'm starting to advertise for Christmas cards soon.  So, pass the word and give me a call.

One more thought, vacation.  I think I need one.  Not sure where or when, but somehow.  Maybe here:  Barcelo Maya Palace


So, I knew it had been awhile.  I was really excited to post our October update this morning before work.  Apparently, I need to do more than that, considering my last post was our September update!  I guess that's a sign of the fall - busyness.  So, I'll leave the update for now, but hope to be back with some more thoughts later.  There's a lot going on, so hopefully I pick something of interest to share.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

long time...

sooooo, apparently I've been busy.  I'm not exactly sure with what and I don't have much to show for it.  However, I noticed it's been over two weeks since the last post.  That must mean something has been going on.

In ministry news, we LAUNCHED!  Things went really well and we had 60+ people join us.  I organized a lunch afterwards (thank you Moe's) and we even had a handful of kids!  Matt's message was great and everything seemed to run smoothly.  More details to come in our October update. (September update above.)

I started work yesterday.  Mainly, just meetings and administration, but at least I have a schedule and get a pay check for the first time in three months.  Things still look very messy, but we're getting more clarity each day.  I'm still looking for a second job or will supplement everything else with tutoring.  Please keep praying!

MJ has been staying with us the past  couple of weeks.  He's headed home this weekend to pick up Martha and we can't wait until they move!  We'll be neighbors (literally) and will have lots of euchre games to show for it.  :)  We've learned there are not many 3-player games, especially cards.  

As for everything else, I'm tired and trying to get used to going to bed at a decent hour while waking up and getting ready right away.  It's amazing how easy your body gets used to sleeping in.  I guess when works doesn't start until 10am, I can't complain about early mornings.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Great News!

Apparently I need a job or something to do because I have posted way too much on the blog already.  But, apparently, that won't be the case in another month.  Why?  Because I have a JOB!  

It really is perfect for what we both need.  It's working with a non-profit, Neighbor 2 Neighbor in downtown Raleigh.  They have been running a great after school program and the public school system approached them about working with some students that have been suspended.  They accepted and were given a grant to pay a teacher, counselor, etc. for the program.  So, as the teacher, I will supervise up to 15 students during their academic lessons.  Their instruction will be coming from an online program, but I will supply any additional support and supervision.  I will have both middle school students and high school students, and hopefully work with them as two separate groups, allowing me only 8 students at one time.  I'll continue to keep a school schedule (YEAH) and have some hours of 10am - 3pm Monday - Thursday.  The only bummer is that I'm only guaranteed 15-20 hours each week.  I'd like something more around 25-30, but Mike and I are both extremely excited about this opportunity and position.  The ministry that N2N has is pretty incredible and I can't wait to be a part of it!  Thanks so much for all your prayers and support!  God has been so good to us and this is definitely an answer to prayer!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Apparently, people actually read this!  We had no idea if this was even worth updating, but on our last minute trip, we talked to several people that were staying updated through the blog.  Thanks so much for reading!  Maybe one day I'll teach Mike how to post.

So, quite the unexpected weekend we thought it was going to be.  We were planning on a busy Saturday helping NC State students move in with people from the church.  Well, things didn't turn out as we wanted.  We also knew that we had a big meeting for the church on Sunday evening.  And as much as I love details, I was really not looking forward to a long meeting of them.  Well, things didn't go as planned.

As Friday we confirmed not helping on campus, we decided to make a surprise appearance at a friends wedding on St. Simon's Island.  Well, although it didn't turn out to be much of a surprise, we were able to see some of our dearest friends.  We're friends with both Rick and Christina and we were so sad to not be able to celebrate their new life together.  Although we were disappointed with things not working out at NCSU, we were extremely excited to be able to make it down to Georgia.  It was a very short lived trip, but worth every minute.  The bride was beautiful, the groom was hilarious, and the reception was a blast.  Then, just for kicks, we took a detour through Savannah and spent the afternoon with Bolton and Caroline.  I love them and had a great afternoon.  Even though I felt super sick on the way home, our 30 hour trip was well worth it to see some wonderful people that we may not get to see for awhile (much more than Bolton and Caroline too.)

So yes, pretty sick on the way home.  I'm not really sure what is going on, but something has been against me the past few days.  Oh yeah, and in case you're wondering, I - 95 is extremely boring!  Somehow, the 6 hour trip (5 hours from Savannah) would be much more enjoyable on any other highway.  NOTHING exists between Raleigh and Savannah...well, South of the Border,...NOTHING.  So at 1 am we pulled back in to the driveway and called it a night.

I woke up with a splitting headache and after some breakfast and logistics, I decided it was time for a nap.  I woke up with my headache gone, but my stomach was acting up again.  It didn't seem to get much better throughout the day, but I had to buckle up for the meeting at our place.  So, 5 pm and 20 people piled in.  KABOBS, sausage, steak, and chicken!  They were beautiful and then we had tons of sides and desserts to go with them.  I didn't eat any with my stomach, instead I enjoyed some applesauce and rice.  Not quite the same.

The meeting was GREAT!  Mike and Matt were concise, but casted a great vision for the city.  It was beyond efficient and I even enjoyed the fellowship despite not feeling very well.  It was so encouraging to see the excitement and enthusiasm of everyone and where the church is going.  We have a busy couple of weeks ahead, but are excited to see what the Lord will do.  

Please be praying with and for us during the next month.  You can pray specifically for the
  • launch of the church
  • college students and becoming a student organization
  • the last $300/month of support we need
  • my health (Sara's)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the job situation

So, I FINALLY heard back from that job I had an interview with 2 weeks ago and was hoping for...they're STILL hiring!  The guy that interviewed me has been out of town, but they won't be making a decision for another week or two.  Kind of frustrating ... but still waiting.

Had another interview on Monday with some homeschool support.  Things went really well and out of 17 resumes, only 4 of us were called in for an interview.  I would be the second woman in the office and things are pretty laid back.  It doesn't really pay the best and I would have some weeks with extra long hours.  Despite the lack of excitement and pay, I would love having such a low stress job!  They're going to take another week and call people back for second interviews.  Hopefully something works out between the two of these and I can be done with the job search.  It seems as though the people here are much more laid back and on a slow timeline for hiring.  I sure wish I had a paycheck over the last two months...

At least there are Olympics to keep me entertained...

Monday, August 11, 2008

A new favorite

I tried a new recipe of something similar to a Jane Armstrong's recipe.  It was delicious, easy, and even fulfilling for a soup!  Mike even liked it - A LOT!  I thought I'd share.

Taco Soup

1 lb ground beef (browned and drained)
1 can diced tomatoes with green chiles (undrained)
1 can diced or stewed tomatoes (undrained)
1 can whole kernel corn (undrained)
1 can kidney beans (undrained)
1 packet taco seasoning

After the ground beef has been cooked and drained, combine and mix all ingredients together in skillet or crockpot.  If you have the time, I'd suggest 3-4 hours on low/med in the crockpot.  If not, you can cook everything together for just 10-15 minutes stovetop.  Serve with sour cream, cheddar cheese, tortilla chips, jalepenos, etc.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

August Update

Here is our most recent update (click to enlarge)!  Please continue to pray with and for us!  We are so close to reaching our financial goal and Mike has already started working full-time.  We only need $350 more per month!  Sara has another interview on Monday and should hear back from a promising position this week.   As for now, we're enjoying the Olympics!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

it's that time again...

I need a haircut.  I was inspired from our good friend Meredith and her adorable hair and haven't been able to stop thinking about it.  So, now for some ideas.  Thoughts are appreciated! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

the right of way

I just returned from a relaxing walk around the neighborhood. Mike is off at Men's Time and I enjoy the quiet home once in awhile (although I'm getting more than enough without a job). As much as my life is far from extraordinary right now, a strange thing happened on my walk.

I was always taught to walk against traffic. Call me a rebel, but I ignore the sidewalks and walk in the street (only in neighborhoods), but I enjoy it. Tonight was no different. I was enjoying my outdated music and time alone and what seemed natural, I did. I walked, in the street, against traffic, no with traffic, against,... I found myself very confused. Yes, in America cars drive on the right side of the road, so walking, you should do on the left. In England (and others), cars drive on the left, so I would picture myself walking on the right. Somehow, I was completely lost. I had no idea which was right and where I should be walking. Yes, I know I've been taught to walk on the left, but after living in England, even for just a year, you train yourself. It goes away, but I guess somehow it comes back. I'm really at a loss, but believe me, what seems natural can change.

Another example, Mike and I spent this last weekend in Boone with Matt and Kristin for a little staff and wives retreat. Again, something bazaar. Mike dreamed in Italian. No we did not talk about Italy or meet any Italians. We did eat at an Italian restaurant, but that's the extent of it. Somehow, things become natural that shouldn't, or what should be natural, isn't.

So, as I mentioned before, Mike and I went on a little adventure around the city. Here are some photos of our city...keep in mind most of this is just a mile or so down the road from us.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

July 2008

Here is our July update.  Stay tuned for August's coming soon!

We're off to Boone, NC this weekend for a little retreat with Matt and Kristin.  Mike officially starts work on Monday.  I had an interview yesterday and hope that it pans out.  It would be a great way to combine ministry and work.  We took a couple of walks today and shot some photos to give our friends and family a better feel of our new home.  We'll try to get those posted soon too.  Have a great weekend and keep us in your prayers!  $650/month to go!

Monday, July 28, 2008

our new home

Despite the dread of going to the DMV, we were quite impressed by the service. The photo machines broke for awhile, but they still moved us through quite quickly. Apparently, most people fail the driving test that everyone has to take in renewal or changing state. Mike proved differently, but he studied - NERD! Ok, so maybe I should have taken things more seriously because I have to go back tomorrow to try for round two. Maybe they were right...

Here are some photos of our new place! We're almost done settling in, but have some minor decorating to do. It's a perfect neighborhood (Truman Show-ish) and a STEAL of a price for the city! Mike's under 2 miles from work and we can walk to the grocery store and Chinese food place. :) Check back soon for more updates!

Friday, July 25, 2008

'tis the season...

It's summer, weddings after weddings, after weddings...true, but not encompassing.

I think the journey for Mike and I has started to twist, one that we didn't think would come quite this soon. BABIES! They're everywhere! Well, not really yet, but they're in the making. The first few weddings we went to, are now on to the next step. I can't mention several of these for now, until some time has passed, but we are finding more and more of our friends are expecting. Here, there, and in between. Friends old and new. Yes, a joyous celebration, but for Mike and I, we're just not there yet. We seem to be nowhere closer than what we were two years ago when we got married. Call us selfish, or cautious, but we're just not ready for that, and have no idea when. Hopefully our friends were right when they say this can truly turn on a dime, otherwise, we might be waiting for awhile.

And on another note, the season of heartache. As we have watched so many of our friends celebrate a new life, we have also seen the joy ripped out of their hands as they have lost their beloved. A few years back, Mike and I mourned with some of our friends as they miscarried. I feel as though this has become all too familiar to the friends around us. We are saddened by the sin and death that has been brought in to this world. You are not overlooked, nor forgotten. For God knows you and your hearts.

We will be praying for you all, in celebration and grieving. We love you all.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Moving In

Well, it is finished!  The truck arrived on Monday morning and a group of 12 people showed up to help us unload.  EVERYTHING was completely emptied from the truck within about an hour.  It was unbelievable, especially that 200+ pound bookcase that somehow made it in the house.  We are so blessed by a new family and friends!  We will post photos soon...once we get the boxes unpacked.

We have been a little MIA as we have had visitors from Orlando this week.  It has been such an encouragement and we can't wait to have more.  Hopefully, these friends will come back too.  We put them to work!  Now we have beautiful new pillows in the guest and the majority of the house is unpacked.   

I'm still looking for a job and we have our first Sunday service with the church this coming weekend.  We miss our dear friends, but are really excited about what the Lord will bring us next.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the life of a Nomad

We're in RALEIGH!

We thought this would be a joyous celebration.  However, things crept up on us and our last few days in Orlando were chaos.  As we found out the house we were planning on living in was the center of a ghetto - literally with prostitutes, drug deals, and even arrests being made, we were on the hunt for something house.  We left quickly and drove slowly.  We arrived Sunday night to two exhausted and patient hosts.  Let the hunt begin!

Monday morning we had an appointment to see a house and then started canvassing the city.  We crossed a possibility off immediately after driving by and saw NOTHING of interest after our first interest.  This place was doing, great for a family and if it were owned.  There was no character, interaction in the neighborhood, and it definitely didn't feel like home.  After an agent locked her keys in the house and rescheduled for a later appointment, she told us about a new property becoming available.  Finally, some hope!

The next morning we rushed to see the place.  Perfect location.  Great neighbors.  Lots of character.  Big bedrooms...HUGE bedrooms.  And a pleasing layout.  Downside, not available for another month.  We searched and searched and searched.  NOTHING!  Too much.  Trashed college apartments.  Ghetto.  ETC.  Another day, and nothing to show.

So, we left Matt and Kristin's and headed for the North side of town.  A friend of a friend opened up his home to us.  Vacant, but furnished.  A place to ourselves...after 1.5 years of living with people, we like a place t ourselves.  Some big decisions for tomorrow and an interview at 12.  A quick bite to eat (I'm sick of eating out) and let's call it a night.  NOPE - breakdown!  Seriously, BREAKDOWN, manic depressive.  You would have thought the end of the world was coming. I simply wanted a goodnight's sleep and hot shower.  Oh yea, and some shoes to wear for my interview since all my heels are in a moving truck.  Well, hot water heater is busted.  Yep, nothing.  Zero.  I didn't get a shower.  I couldn't find shoes to wear.  The house was dirty and I was supposed to sleep in a stranger's bed.  I was feeling displaced more than ever.  Beyond the stress of being without a home and no leads, now I had no hot water and an interview in 12 hours.  Mike tried to comfort me, but he was thrilled with an excuse not to shower.  Not me - I was furious!

We dug out our own bed coverings and pillows from the car and called it a night.  We woke up early and Mike was ordered to clean the bathroom so I could attempt to get ready.  The tub was filling up with cold water while I was boiling three, yes, THREE, pots of water on the stove at a time.  After two rounds, there was enough water for me to get in.  It didn't take long before Mike had to make another round of boiling water.  I was shivering and still had no shoes.

So, off we went to Target.  I love Target.  But not today.  I was dreading the search.  Luckily, I found a cute pair of shoes.  Universal and $10.  They didn't quite match, but they would work.  Check!  Off to the interview.

We pulled in just in time.  The rest of the day was packed with appointments to view some more properties, but nothing seemed promising.  In I went and Mike was off with Matt to drive around and expand the house hunt.  I met the director and after shaking her hand, looked down to see my Rainbow sandals still attached to my feet.  I forgot to change shoes!

Interview went well, but nothing exciting.  The position is great, especially for a church plant.  There's just a lot of responsibility for little compensation.  Back to the house hunt...

Wendy's for lunch (at least I got a Frosty) and then rushing to the next house.  After a prolonged 10 minute explanation and signing of forms before we could enter, we found ourselves in a cute, quaint, awkward property.  A little overpriced, character, but nothing else worth mentioning.  So...15 extra minutes to spare before the next appointment, so on with more driving.  Across the street was the picture perfect Truman show neighborhood.  Super cute, but when I had called 1-2 months prior, there was a 1 year waiting list.  We thought we would venture in to see exactly how it worked.

We have 2 available:  1)  2 bedroom/2.5 bath townhome  available right away  2) 3 bedroom/ 2.5 bath house available in the next couple of months.  She handed us the key to the townhouse, and off we went.  PERFECT!  A few minor touch-ups - beetle in the toilet, but nothing that can't be fixed.  Large bedrooms.  Private baths.  Porch.  Storage.  Entertaining.  Even the price was perfect.  Almost half of the place we were going to see next.  So, off we went to view the next place, but application in hand.  Great next house.  Old, but beautiful and in great condition.  Wonderful neighborhood, but only 1 bath and over our budget.  So, we called it a day...but not before we handed in our application and found our new home!  We move in tomorrow.  I think I will sleep a lot better tonight and look forward to saying good-bye to the life of a Nomad.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

7 months later, we're back!

For those that haven't heard, we are MOVING!  In the next week, we will be on our way to Raleigh, North Carolina.  Mike accepted a pastoral internship position with a church plant - Fellowship Raleigh.  As Mike has felt the call to pastoral ministry, his heart was quickly and deeply burdened for the city and college.  I never really thought we would be able to find that in a church, but somehow it worked out.  This new chapter of our lives is a breath of fresh air.  Although we have been married for over 2 years now, we have only lived on our own for 6-8 months.  We are eager to develop our relationship, ministry, and lives together.

We have loved our time in Orlando, but have been eager to settle down somewhere.  We cannot imagine a better fit for us than Fellowship Raleigh!  We are so grateful for Matt and Kristin (the pastor and his wife), but we are sad to say goodbye to all of our friends in Florida.  We hope to have lots of visitors and look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

We have finally decided on a way for everyone to stay up to date with their lives. We thought what better way to kick of 2008, then letting the word get out and inviting you all to join us each step of our lives. We would love to hear from you so leave us a comment or two and be sure to let us know how you and your family is doing and how we can be praying for you. We love you all and pray that 2008 would be a year that you would fall more in love with your Creator and Redeemer. God bless!

~Mike and Sara~