Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

7 months later, we're back!

For those that haven't heard, we are MOVING!  In the next week, we will be on our way to Raleigh, North Carolina.  Mike accepted a pastoral internship position with a church plant - Fellowship Raleigh.  As Mike has felt the call to pastoral ministry, his heart was quickly and deeply burdened for the city and college.  I never really thought we would be able to find that in a church, but somehow it worked out.  This new chapter of our lives is a breath of fresh air.  Although we have been married for over 2 years now, we have only lived on our own for 6-8 months.  We are eager to develop our relationship, ministry, and lives together.

We have loved our time in Orlando, but have been eager to settle down somewhere.  We cannot imagine a better fit for us than Fellowship Raleigh!  We are so grateful for Matt and Kristin (the pastor and his wife), but we are sad to say goodbye to all of our friends in Florida.  We hope to have lots of visitors and look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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