Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Moving In

Well, it is finished!  The truck arrived on Monday morning and a group of 12 people showed up to help us unload.  EVERYTHING was completely emptied from the truck within about an hour.  It was unbelievable, especially that 200+ pound bookcase that somehow made it in the house.  We are so blessed by a new family and friends!  We will post photos soon...once we get the boxes unpacked.

We have been a little MIA as we have had visitors from Orlando this week.  It has been such an encouragement and we can't wait to have more.  Hopefully, these friends will come back too.  We put them to work!  Now we have beautiful new pillows in the guest and the majority of the house is unpacked.   

I'm still looking for a job and we have our first Sunday service with the church this coming weekend.  We miss our dear friends, but are really excited about what the Lord will bring us next.

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