Monday, August 18, 2008

Great News!

Apparently I need a job or something to do because I have posted way too much on the blog already.  But, apparently, that won't be the case in another month.  Why?  Because I have a JOB!  

It really is perfect for what we both need.  It's working with a non-profit, Neighbor 2 Neighbor in downtown Raleigh.  They have been running a great after school program and the public school system approached them about working with some students that have been suspended.  They accepted and were given a grant to pay a teacher, counselor, etc. for the program.  So, as the teacher, I will supervise up to 15 students during their academic lessons.  Their instruction will be coming from an online program, but I will supply any additional support and supervision.  I will have both middle school students and high school students, and hopefully work with them as two separate groups, allowing me only 8 students at one time.  I'll continue to keep a school schedule (YEAH) and have some hours of 10am - 3pm Monday - Thursday.  The only bummer is that I'm only guaranteed 15-20 hours each week.  I'd like something more around 25-30, but Mike and I are both extremely excited about this opportunity and position.  The ministry that N2N has is pretty incredible and I can't wait to be a part of it!  Thanks so much for all your prayers and support!  God has been so good to us and this is definitely an answer to prayer!

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