Sunday, December 7, 2008

off the grid

It happened...finally. We disappeared. Not for long, but for 36 hours, we were gone.

Some of our dearest family friends allowed us to venture out to the sticks, and I mean STICKS, to enjoy their house in northern NC, just south of the Virginia border. They warned us that there was very little to do so we brought some games along. We finally made it out the door close to 7 on Thursday night. After a quick detour to Chik-fil-A and some two lane roads that lasted for 1.5 hours, we made it to our first turn off. Shortly after, I killed my first possum. Well, after he caught glimpse of me going 70 mph, he continued to walk straight into my car. Luckily, I never heard the tires, duh-dum, but just some scraping underneath the car. There's a chance, very SMALL chance he was able to continue walking after that. As we gathered our bearings and continued through the village, we were just in time to see a little dog threesome on the side of the road. A great start to our journey.

After 2 hours, we made it. Stopped at the closest grocery store (about 10 miles away). A dirt road. Lake. Peace. Quiet. It was perfect. After enjoying CSI and some reading, we called it an early night. We slept in. Read. Made some lunch. Played lots of games. Read. And enjoyed satellite tv. Thank you Discovery Channel. Mike was also kind enough to let me watch the original Beverly Hills 90210 a few times. We didn't see a single person after our grocery store run. We didn't even hear any one once we made it to the house. When we packed up to leave, it took us about an hour to even find cell phone coverage.

It was perfect! It's amazing what 36 hours of peace and quiet can do. Disappearing off the grid was exactly what we needed. Now, it's on with the holidays. The next appointment going on my calendar, another trip to nowhere. And I can't wait.

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