Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Beginnings

After the trip around Florida, we settled back in and I attempted to get my life in order. I hit some speed bumps along the way, but I think I can look back with a smile and feel productive, for the most part. I now have a schedule of 42 main courses for dinner that will double as lunches the next day. And yes, these are all Gluten free. Most of them are already gluten free, but a few had to be altered. I've started to work on a daily schedule and weekly schedule to help keep us moving and intentional with our time. As an extra, we also went over some "chores" to divide them up and seem to very pleased with where things are headed.

Tonight, I'm making my first new dish - Roasted Chicken (a whole one) in the crockpot. Becky and Graham managed to do this a few times and I was inspired to try it myself. I do have to say that it doesn't seem like a money saving idea compared to the rotisserie's at the grocery. Unfortunately, I can't do those anymore, so I'm off on my own. I managed to even take out the organs by myself (and bare hands) and had it set up to go before work. It cooked all day and was ready to go by the time I returned home. Now, I'm trying my second dish - sweet potatoes and carrots. Once, those are done baking, we're off to dinner.

I'm pretty impressed by my new system, but let's hold off to make sure that the theory is as good in practice. With this chicken, we'll eat it tonight and some for leftovers for lunch. A new meal is tomorrow, but using leftovers from last night. On Thursday, we'll add the leftover chicken to paella and even use the chicken broth I'll make from the juices. I'm pretty excited to see how well this works.

So, back to school for me. A week FILLED with extra duties here and there too. These are all things I'm excited about, but had no idea how much I had on my plate at one time. So for now, I'm off to dinner and to spend time with Mike before we head out again.

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Nathan said...

Way to go with your meal planning! You should check out www.crockpot365.blogspot.com. One of my friends gave me the heads up on this blog, and it has a recipe for every day of last year using a crock pot to cook, and every thing is gluten free. Thought you might find it helpful! Best of luck!