Friday, January 9, 2009

a not so relaxing day off

So, it's Friday. I typically don't work on Fridays and Mike and I try to use the afternoon as our productive time around the house, errands, bills, etc. Saturday tends to be more of our Sabbath. Today, was a bit different than usual.

I had a meeting at work at 3:00pm. It last for 2.5 hours. Needless to say, I wasn't much up for the game night or girl's night out I was invited too. Luckily, Mike took care of all the Christmas decorations and was ready to take me out to eat when I got home. Unfortunately, eating out is an adventure with Celiac. Red Robin is my friend though. (I dreamed about their french fries last night.) So, off we went. Since I didn't pull myself out of bed until 11, I skipped lunch. By dinner time, I was starving. I did manage to enjoy some peanuts during my meeting at work though. Well, Red Robin was packed. I ordered my usual burger (minus the bun) gluten free. The waiter was pretty swamped and had no idea what I was talking about. By this time, I was feeling pretty sick. I wasn't sure if I needed some food, or a bathroom. The first round of fries were a good choice. But by the second round and cheeseburger arrived, I was ready to leave and my stomach was ready for.....not something to be in it.

So, I asked for a box. Mike asked for the check. I think he was able to finish his meal. And we were out the door. I felt really nauseated and dizzy and weak by this time. I warned Mike that we might have to make a pit stop on the way home. We made it home ok and I hurried to the bathroom and requested some pajamas from my dear old hubby. After a somewhat normal trip to bathroom and a couple checks of my temperature, I was feeling normal again.

The cause: I think the peanuts are apparently NOT gluten free. No, they don't have wheat or that in them, but I think they must be manufactured/packaged in a wheat plant. Otherwise, something else didn't agree with me. (I had some rice cereal for breakfast.) ::sigh:: It's still great to know the reason I'm sick, but does NOT make it any more enjoyable. Thank goodness tomorrow is another day to sleep in!

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