Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

This time last year, we were on our way back from Ireland. Although it was a great vacation, we spent most of the time, at least day lit hours, site-seeing. We did not get the rest we needed or desired. However, we were just beginning to understand our love for photography.

Well, this year, we barely made it to midnight. We feel the weight of life a little more than last year, but we think we are rounding the top of the hill. Some diet changes and exercise plans (thank you wii fit) have already shown some small changes in our lives. We are grateful for the eye opening procedures, but sorry it took us so long to figure it out. (My wii fit age was 47.)

So, with a new year, comes new things. This year, like last, one of my biggest resolutions is to spend more time in the Word of God and grow in my relationship with Christ. I have struggled to get through the Bible in a year and have decided to try the chronological reading plan for 2009. I'm pretty excited about that, except for making my way through the entire Old Testament before on to the New.

Most of this week was spent organizing my life, meals, guest room/office, and cleaning. The Christmas tree is still up, but will be finding its way to a box shortly. (sad) Back to work on Monday. The church move in to a new office...and it is a BIG step up from before. Lot's of changes are coming our way.

Next on the list, photography. Some friends are working on a logo and website for me. I hope to have that up and running in a month or so. Business cards will soon follow and I'm hoping the spring will bring some new life within the business. Ideally, I would love to concentrate fully on photography, but otherwise I will be looking for a new job over the summer. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Rich said...

Hey Sara! Thanks for continuing to update your blog. Its a pleasure to see how you and Mike are doing, not least on a dark winters eve in the UK. I have it listed on a new tally of blogs (ie new blogs I keep an eye on) and its a great distraction from job hunting. Great that you are seeking to grow in your relationship with the Lord and to further your interest in photography. Good stuff. Take care.