Saturday, January 24, 2009

and let the games begin...

Yep, it happened. Our first set of friends has announced the birth of their daughter. She was two weeks early and from all that we know, mom, baby, and family are doing well. The countdown is beginning for numerous other families. It is sure to be an eventful spring and summer. Can't wait to meet all the little ones (and maybe take pictures).

Mike spent this morning with the guys playing basketball and then a little cookout. I spent the afternoon in Chapel Hill catching up with a friend from high school. Gill is one of my dearest friends, but after I moved to Ohio, England, and Florida, it was pretty difficult to keep up with everyone. Well, now Gill is around the corner (Boone) and working at Appalachian State. She was working her magic at a track meet today, so I went up to join in the fun and catch some action. A little disappointing as I was hoping to find the Jamba Juice listed on campus, but for the time I got to see Gill, it was well worth it. Thanks for inviting me!

I'm hoping to post some snow pictures soon. Mike and I are spending the evening alone together and maybe carving at some business stuff. Things are rolling with the new website and it shouldn't be too long before it is up and running. We might play a game of Settlers with our imaginary friend, Bob, but tonight is a quiet night to ourselves. This next week is already starting to fill up and could be very eventful and draining.

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