Thursday, January 15, 2009

Alligators and Crocodiles

No, this is not a post about the National Championship or Tebow. This is a special entry just for Brittney.

My new shoes - crocs. I know. I know. I know. You either love them or you hate them. I'm pretty much somewhere in the middle. I don't have a pair in every color. I don't have little things to decorate them either. I don't think they are a trendsetter, but I do have to agree they are comfortable and practical. I do have three pair: alice, prima, and mary janes. When I need a new pair of flats, I think they should be comfortable and not too expensive. With crocs outlet (and a coupon code), I think it's typically a good buy. My primas and alice, are great with jeans, pants, and even skirts. My mary janes have yet to be worn, but I think theyre great for canoe trips and such.

I think some people need to give them a chance, maybe just buy them as house shoes or gardening shoes. I also think there are some people that need to give the crocs a rest and not wear them every day. However, I do tend to think, like most things, there is a time a place where they are appropriate.

If anyone is looking for a gift to buy my near British friend, please look up the most hideous color and design possible.

1 comment:

Kristin Schoolfield said...

I think those in the picture are cute! I still haven't really tried them yet though...