Monday, February 9, 2009


This time last week, I was doing the snow dance. I was anxiously awaiting the white covering, even an inch or two would close down the city. Since I wake up a million times throughout the night, I hurried to the window each time - NOTHING. The same snow storm that wiped out Kentucky was headed our way, but missed Raleigh. Several schools called a 2-hour delay, without a single drop of snow, but I was not affected.

Well, yesterday, we toppled over 70 degrees. I even took a little jog around the block on Saturday. My usual route was cut short when I stumbled upon the railroad tracks. I ran back to the house to grab Mike (and the camera). We went back to the tracks, and there it was the Barnum & Bailey Circus train! It was huge! It kept going and going and going! We didn't see anyone or anything come out, but I was ecstatic!

So, Saturday began the other weather change. Mike started coughing and sneezing. Some body aches and fatigue. We took it easy for the day, but Sunday didn't seem to get much better. No fever, unless you count 99.3. Next thing I knew, Sunday night I was up with a scratchy throat, even going to bed at 9pm. Tylenol cold I think helped us both get a better night's sleep, but today wasn't any better for me. So, Mike took another day easy and seems to be doing better. For the moment, I'm doing ok. Regardless, I made doctor's appointments for tomorrow and hopefully we'll kick this in the butt. As long as we're not throwing up, I know I can get through it.

1 comment:

Kristin Schoolfield said...

I'm so sorry you're feeling so yucky :( Rest up and get better soon!