Wednesday, February 11, 2009

silver lining

So, I'm beginning to think the flu shot is a hoax. I really have hold true to them, especially because I can get them free and as a teacher I experience lots of germs. However, I think this year they missed the mark a little on the strain. I thought maybe I was just the one, but I have already heard from several other people that have had the vaccine and experienced the flu, even worse than me. I'm not excited about that. A reminder that must trust needs to be put in something else...

I was feeling quite a bit better last night before bed. I didn't sleep very well (nor did Mike) and my scratchy throat quickly returned. I woke up this morning to barely be able to make it to the shower. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to help the aches and pains. The Ibuprofen did help and may be my new favorite drug. After making the phone call in to work, refilling my water bottle, and transferring downstairs to the couch, I was back asleep within an hour and a half. I slept for another 1.5 hours to wake up in time to see Mike over lunch and get something in my own stomach. Nap #2 lasted for 2 hours and I'm on a streak for being awake for over 3 hours now.

Update, I' think I'm on the road to recovery. I said that last night though. Everything feels better except after my baked potato for dinner starting to feel nauseous. I'm really hoping to make it through this without throwing up. Each day is a new day and I'm hoping to sleep better tonight and feel better in the morning. I can't remember the last time I had the flu or HAD to take time off work. I know this could be worse, so I'm thankful, but I know it's not over yet.

So, the silver lining for the day: my website is up and running! I am so excited! David has done a wonderful job and was great to work with. He listened to all my thoughts (and critiques) and filled in all the gaps PERFECTLY! If you ever need design work, let me know and I'll give you a nice referral. THANK YOU!

So, with a working website and business cards, I'm excited to see where the Lord takes this photography business. It's been difficult with the cold weather, but it looks like we'll be keeping pretty warm for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara- sweet site, it turned out great! Glad to see your photography getting off the ground. And some sweet stuff in the gallery section...