Monday, July 28, 2008

our new home

Despite the dread of going to the DMV, we were quite impressed by the service. The photo machines broke for awhile, but they still moved us through quite quickly. Apparently, most people fail the driving test that everyone has to take in renewal or changing state. Mike proved differently, but he studied - NERD! Ok, so maybe I should have taken things more seriously because I have to go back tomorrow to try for round two. Maybe they were right...

Here are some photos of our new place! We're almost done settling in, but have some minor decorating to do. It's a perfect neighborhood (Truman Show-ish) and a STEAL of a price for the city! Mike's under 2 miles from work and we can walk to the grocery store and Chinese food place. :) Check back soon for more updates!


PWM said...

Dear Mike and Sara - So glad to see you found such a nice place to live. I'm sad we never got to do our dinner together before you all left ( and I, Pam, didn't get to say good-bye). I guess we'll just have to make a trip to Raleigh and get together then. We'll be praying for both of you and for a job for you, Sara. Can't wait to see all that God is going to do through you up there!
Chuck and Pam

greg said...

Guys, the place looks great! Even if it is a little Truman show. And you stole the Jacksons! Well I guess that gives us another reason to visit up there some time.

Adam said...

Everything looks really cool! It looks like you're finally going to get some time to be normal - which should be exciting since Mike's always found that difficult :) Much Love,