Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year's Resolution

It seems like I always have good ideas around this time of year. Many people set out at the beginning of the year with some good intentions, but simply far behind and never recover. As they get behind a goal, they find themselves sinking deeper and deeper until they finally give up.

I (well we) started this blog a few years ago as we celebrated the new year in Ireland. We often look back at the vacation and remember some wonderful moments with each other and before the vast greatness of creation. We thought we would write often and tell the stories of our travels, life, family, and ministry. It didn't take long before I realized this wasn't serious enough for a theologian or philosopher (aka Mike), so I continued on my own. Some days (or weeks) I have more to say than others. Much of the time, I have more to say, but have kept my mouth shut about some difficult experiences and hurtful moments. So, for the sake of you and me, I'm organizing this blog into a better schedule. We'll see how this works as my New Year's resolution.

Mondays: ministry: a tip, tale, trick, or idea...the good, the bad, the ugly

Wednesdays: what's next? any updates and random thoughts from yours truly

Tuesdays or Thursdays: tips: inside tricks, probably more about saving money, but other ideas too

Weekend: a little taste of randomness

I'll take some suggestions too!

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