Monday, December 14, 2009

...when the bee stings...

So, I've been a little busy so haven't had time to keep up to date with this as much as I had planned. Last week I was busy getting ready for 8th grade exams this weekend and managed to make an 8 hour drive on Thursday turn in to 12 hours. Once we actually made it to Cincinnati, we were able to catch up with my family and some friends. It was so great to see some of them and had a pleasant surprise to see some faces I haven't seen in a really long time. So grateful for the time together and just wish I would be able to catch up with them more often. Hope you all have a great tim over Christmas and sad I won't get to join you in the festivities.

So, with the chaos of the weekend and preparing for exams, I was reminded of one of my favorite things. One that most people overlook and could care less about. Sharpened #2 pencils. Yes, a brand new box of old fashioned pencils. I actually hate mechanical ones, unless it's the expensive kind Mrs. Johnston used to use. I bought a couple of those my first year teaching, but I have no idea where they ran off too. So yes, new pencils with a good eraser, maybe even a cap eraser are my friend. I've discovered Mirado which I must say are a new favorite.

Well, I think I'm closing out this series early. I keep having all these great ideas, and then when I sit down to write, I have a brain fart. This is not working, and as bored as I am, I bet you are even more bored. So, I'll spare you the torture any longer.

If you read this and are in the Florida area, please let us know if you will be around over the next couple of weeks. We'll be headed down to visit both of our families and would love to catch up with you all if possible.

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