Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Christmas - I love it! I'm the one who wants to start playing Christmas music and put up the decorations right after Halloween. I'm always disturbed at how early the stores prepare for the next holiday, except for Christmas. Somehow, I think I would be ok if Christmas stuff was out ALL year. And if nothing else, we really should celebrate Christmas in July as well.

So, with both excitement and anxiousness, Mike and I set out on a three city tour of Florida in 7 days. Surprisingly, we found some time to relax, spend time with friends, enjoy both sides of the family, and even get time with each other. We were very pleased with our visit. The lack of drama is something we embrace. Pleasantly surprised!

For an official report, my biopsies were confirmed as Celiac Disease. I already feel much better, in even a short amount of time. I can easily pinpoint if I eat something I shouldn't have, but the recovery is miserable. Luckily, we have started to find our way around the grocery, kitchen, and even eating out (thank you Red Robin, Jason's Deli, and Outback). And to make it even more feasible, Mike's family took really good care of me. They made me a crustless Pumpkin Pie, Turkey pie with potatoes instead of crust, and had plenty of fruit for me to enjoy. And, one of my Christmas presents was a bag FULL of Gluten-free food and a cookbook! It's much more comforting now.

So, after my upgrade for a camera, we had several other surprises. My sister and dad bought us the Wii Fit. And may is that entertaining! You should see Mike hula hoop 8 hoops at once! His little mii even does his pelvic rotation crazy dance! It's a great work out, especially when it's raining too. Ontop of all that, we have some gift certificates to spend, clothes to wear (including the good ole underwear), and toys to break in. THANK YOU SANTA!

On a completely different note, I'm trying to get this photography business up and running and make it more of a stable thing. Hopefully the website and such will be up and running shortly. I've posted a few photos from our time in Florida, including a maternity session with Graham and Becky (our old roommates and dear friends) filled (literally) with joy for the new addition expected in March. There should be more photos to view at the website and Facebook.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

It is finished.

This time last week, I had no idea what I would encounter in the days ahead. Mike and I were able t escape for a few days and had an incredible break. I got greedy quickly and began longing for Christmas break and another weekend away. Sunday I felt sick again. And was Monday.

We had already decided that it was going to be difficult to fit my birthday celebration, so Monday we had set aside for dinner. Monday morning, I received a phone call. The doctor. My results came back from the previous week - abnormal. They asked to schedule a epsoejaherj. I had no idea, what the lady was talking about. Finally, she said EDG and that I would be sedated so I needed a driver. I scheduled the appointment...Wednesday morning. And then I began my research.

The last script I had for blood testing was for celiac. Thanks to Google, I found EDG or Esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The short, they were going to shove a tube down my throat. Take some pictures and sample tissue. Being deathly afraid of throwing up and gagging on even the tongue depressor, I called back in a panic to see if I would be knocked out. She just kept saying, "IV sedation." I didn't want to know how or what, just to what extent. I wanted all to be OUT...completely. They couldn't give me the answer I was looking for.

So, Wednesday it was. We arrived an hour early and they started prepping me. I had a pretty little gown and cozy little bed and blanket. Luckily, I've gotten used to needles, so the pricking and saline IV wasn't a big problem. Surprisingly, I was able to relax. THANKS to all of your prayers! Right on time, they wheeled me in to the other room. I had two shots of something and then they had me turn over. That seemed like and easy task, until I sat up. DIZZINESS! She said that was normal. I made it over and couldn't open my eyes any more. She put something in my mouth...hard plastic. It had an opening for the tube to fit in, but was a bit uncomfortable. It was difficult to swallow, and I tried to pull it out. She didn't really like my stubbornness, so I think she gave me another shot. That's all I remember.

Next thing I know, I hear Mike. He was holding my hand and said "You can't have oatmeal anymore." Somehow my eyes opened. The doctor and Mike were with me. The doctor apparently explaining what he had seen. Meanwhile, I drifted in and out of consciousness. Somewhere along the way, I had a nice wheelchair ride, car ride, stopped for a coke, and made it home to the couch. Some things started to surface, and I began to realize everything going on. Drugs...and the results. Celiac disease. Finally, an answer. I have pretty pictures, or maybe not so pretty, of my stomach and intestines. The villi, they're dead. The treatment: Gluten Free Diet, for life. Yes, nothing with wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc. Fruits, veggies, potatoes are ok. Nothing else is...or so it seems.

And Bob's your uncle! The good and the bad. I am sooooo thankful for all of your prayers and support throughout the past two years or so along this long battle! It seems as though we have an answer. The biopsies, due back in a week, will confirm the accusation. For now, we are both thankful and distressed. We are very grateful for answers, but for me, I am searching for the way to make this normal. There seem to be quite a few options now. I have yet to find them. We are hopeful, very hopeful. It is just another chapter and transition period. Please keep praying for me during this transition. It seems as Celiac Disease is probably the end, but there does seem to be tendency for thinks to worsen and even lead to cancer. Like I said, we are hopeful. But we are also prayerful. Thanks again for ALL of your prayers, support, and encouragement!

OK, so more good news...we celebrated my birthday and Christmas this week. A new camera (and other photo goodies.) I am soooooooooooo excited! It's amazing what a step (or two) up can do. Take a look for yourself. I'm really hoping to get this photography business up and running sometime soon too. It will be a great day when that is my primary source of income for the family.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

off the grid

It happened...finally. We disappeared. Not for long, but for 36 hours, we were gone.

Some of our dearest family friends allowed us to venture out to the sticks, and I mean STICKS, to enjoy their house in northern NC, just south of the Virginia border. They warned us that there was very little to do so we brought some games along. We finally made it out the door close to 7 on Thursday night. After a quick detour to Chik-fil-A and some two lane roads that lasted for 1.5 hours, we made it to our first turn off. Shortly after, I killed my first possum. Well, after he caught glimpse of me going 70 mph, he continued to walk straight into my car. Luckily, I never heard the tires, duh-dum, but just some scraping underneath the car. There's a chance, very SMALL chance he was able to continue walking after that. As we gathered our bearings and continued through the village, we were just in time to see a little dog threesome on the side of the road. A great start to our journey.

After 2 hours, we made it. Stopped at the closest grocery store (about 10 miles away). A dirt road. Lake. Peace. Quiet. It was perfect. After enjoying CSI and some reading, we called it an early night. We slept in. Read. Made some lunch. Played lots of games. Read. And enjoyed satellite tv. Thank you Discovery Channel. Mike was also kind enough to let me watch the original Beverly Hills 90210 a few times. We didn't see a single person after our grocery store run. We didn't even hear any one once we made it to the house. When we packed up to leave, it took us about an hour to even find cell phone coverage.

It was perfect! It's amazing what 36 hours of peace and quiet can do. Disappearing off the grid was exactly what we needed. Now, it's on with the holidays. The next appointment going on my calendar, another trip to nowhere. And I can't wait.