Sunday, June 6, 2010

school's out for summer...

I've finally found some time to sit down and relax. Even though a few of my classes have been gone for almost 2 weeks now, I've been busier than ever. It was a nice change of pace, but I appreciate routines. The last 2 weeks have been missing that. One of the best parts about teaching is the summer. I love when the summer hits. However, I'm sad to see all these wonderful students leave. I know they will all be fine, they're great kids. I've grown to love these kids and feel like this school allows me to build incredible relationships with the kids. That can be tricky as a teacher, but, that's really why I love teaching. Let's face it, we don't do it for the money. (Although I do think we get paid pretty well per hour.) All that to say, I'm sad to see them move on. I feel like just as I'm getting to know them and building a relationship, they move out and a new group moves in. I don't think of my self as the "best" teacher or the one everyone loves. I know they all feel the same way too. However, my hope is that down the road, I'm the one they think about learning a lot of life lessons from. CONGRATULATIONS to the the class of 2010 and please come back to visit!

This week has been busy with some side jobs associated with school, photos, websites, cheer camp, etc. I'm super excited to be a part of other things by using my hobbies. It's a fun way to give back. Cheer camp is another way that I am able to build relationships. I love working with the girls and seeing them in a different way. Plus, they get to see me in a different way. The whole picture is great, but the last two days I've been coaching. I taught some cheers and stuff and realized I don't move like I I used to. I'm thinking this will be a good workout program for me too, but I definitely need some time for my body to adjust.

Anyhow, beyond that, not too exciting. I'm excited for the summer and all the time to catch up on lots of things. It will be quite busy with lots of items on the to-do list, but it's sure to be more relaxing than the school year.

What are you most excited about this summer?

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