Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, it was the first Thanksgiving we spent completely at home. We had a few gracious invitations for lunch/dinner, but with my new diet, it's too big of a risk. We politely declined and enjoyed staying in to get some things done around the house. We watched some cable at our neighbor's since they were out of town and played some board games. Mike made our Thanksgiving dinner, Taco Soup with cornbread. It's a great winter meal and one of our staples. We ventured out to Michael's later in the evening for a couple of office items. It's not the normal Thanksgiving, but it was important for us to spend some quality time together, without distractions.

I've been thinking of revamping some things for this blog, and the photography blog. I'm hoping this will reduce the lack of structure and improve some traffic. Until I figure out exactly what that's going to look like, I'm going to use this wonderful season to reflect on some of "My Favorite Things." There's not necessarily an order to the blessings, but in light of Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'll share some ideas that I am grateful for and can't imagine my life without.

1. CHRISTMAS! I love Christmas and everything about it. We put up the tree yesterday and all is decorated. My least favorite part, taking the tree down and cleaning up after the holidays.

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