Thursday, October 29, 2009


Wow, it's been awhile.

We've been pretty busy the past few weeks. We headed out for a little getaway last weekend. I had a few days off from school and we decided to take advantage of some extra time together. We've had a few photo sessions and the quarter ended at school. I forgot how much work went in to the end of the quarter. This week, I'm attending a state math conference.

All that to say, we are grateful for some wonderful friends. Many people have continued to ask about my health. We've experienced great support and prayers. We've even had a few people attempt to cook for me, and they haven't made me sick. We love that we can still enjoy the sweet fellowship and breaking of bread with our friends, despite my special diet. My health has been wonderful over the past few months. I've fought off some cold or flu thing, but Celiac hasn't been an issue. I can't believe it's been almost a year since my diagnoses. We have learned so much during this time. We are especially grateful for friends that keep us in mind everywhere they go. We have had lots of ideas of finding different things gluten free or finding a restaurant that has a GF menu. Some friends have even cooked for you or picked up a special treat they saw was GF at the local store.

For all of those wonderful ideas, THANK YOU! We love knowing people are thinking of us, praying for us, and looking out for us. I guess its more me, then us, but I know Mike is grateful as well.

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