Sunday, August 9, 2009

oh where, oh where has my....

...summer gone! The summer has seemed to come and go at the blink of an eye. We've had some time to enjoy as a couple, recharge with friends, and refine our minds in classes. I've picked up several tutoring clients and had some photography opportunities. It's kept me busy and I've loved seeing some fun faces around school. This week is my last week back before I'm in full swing in the classroom. WOW, how time flies! I love my job and everything with it. It's a great community and I really couldn't ask for anything else (unless it was maybe high school students...?) They one thing I dread, going back over a bittersweet summer. I'm just not ready, but then again, who ever is?

And AGAIN, I'm kicking myself because I STILL haven't posted pictures! I have several things to share, including a new haircut. Well, not too new, but still. BLAH! Hopefully I'll post some fun pictures up and around this next week while Mike is working hard and I'm enjoying the house. Well, I guess that all depends on how fast our AC gets fixed. 88 degrees in the house is not very enjoyable. It's going to be a pretty crazy month for us, but we are excited to have some things behind us. If you are familiar with our path over the past few years, please pray for our condo situation! We're hoping this is all said and done within the next 3 months and should have some good news in the next week. THANKS!

For now, it's off to spend the evening with Mike and relax so we don't recognize how hot it is. Oh yeah, and dinner!

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