Saturday, December 5, 2009


I thought this idea of a blog schedule or even theme for the month would help me with writer's block. I have been fooled. I had all these great ideas, a week ago, and now I can't think of anything. This is exactly why I teach math and not language arts.

One thing I do know I love, is SLEEP! I've never quite grown out of that teenage life of sleeping in. It doesn't help that I'm a night owl. Teachers don't really have the luxury of choosing their own schedule. Every morning my alarm goes off at 6:00A.M. I cringe. I do love my job, I just don't like waking up that early. I have to admit that although I hate getting up so early, I enjoy my workday ending at 3:30. Even better was when I was teaching high school and students left at 2:00. I just wish there was more time for naps.

On a completely different note, how about Tebow? OK, so I am not a big Gator fan. Despite my husband graduating from there, I really haven't had much interest in Florida. I was very pleased to move away from the obnoxious fans across the state and actually enjoyed Mike watching the game once we moved up here. At some point, I even started cheering for them. If we ever find ourselves back in Florida, I will not be excited to be around the annoying fans again. Yes, I do realize they come from several other schools too, but I have never quite met the ones that are as big headed as those Gators. OK, sorry for the soap box, but now I can go on with Tebow. I'm going to miss this guy. I don't think I will enjoy Florida football nearly as much. This guy is a stand-up gentleman. I enjoy watching every moment of him. Praying, playing, talking, and crying. He stands for something much more than football and it has been a great joy to watch him influence the country. I'm thinking I'll start watching some NFL once he gets drafted too. In my perfect world, he'd even end up with the Bengals.

I have some new photo sessions coming up. I'm really excited about one this week that is a surprise for a certain person. I think any parent treasures those homemade gifts or photos. My dad has said for years that all he wanted was photos of us girls. I'm hoping I can provide the same thing as a big surprise for a dear friend. Then I'm up for another family before a wedding. Then we're headed South to celebrate Christmas. It's always a busy season, but now for even more reasons. I just wish the season lasted longer, I can't get enough of it!

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