Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the job situation

So, I FINALLY heard back from that job I had an interview with 2 weeks ago and was hoping for...they're STILL hiring!  The guy that interviewed me has been out of town, but they won't be making a decision for another week or two.  Kind of frustrating ... but still waiting.

Had another interview on Monday with some homeschool support.  Things went really well and out of 17 resumes, only 4 of us were called in for an interview.  I would be the second woman in the office and things are pretty laid back.  It doesn't really pay the best and I would have some weeks with extra long hours.  Despite the lack of excitement and pay, I would love having such a low stress job!  They're going to take another week and call people back for second interviews.  Hopefully something works out between the two of these and I can be done with the job search.  It seems as though the people here are much more laid back and on a slow timeline for hiring.  I sure wish I had a paycheck over the last two months...

At least there are Olympics to keep me entertained...

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