Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Well, I have realized I really need to upload some photos on the blog. I tried for the last post, but apparently the files were way too big. I'll have to try again later.

So, Mike's off for Gospel Coalition. Lot's of boy time...but I even got to talk to Lisi this morning. I wish the girls got to have some time like that. I'm already realizing I get bored too easily. As a teacher and pastor's wife, this should be a nice change. However, I just don't know what to do with myself. In addition, I don't like the idea of being in charge. Laundry, food, cleaning, hosting, all that jazz is even worse when it's just for you. Why bother?! Oh, but I do have to eat and clean since we are holding small group here tomorrow. I guess it's good that someone else will be able to enjoy my cleaning besides me.

As for another thing, Five Guys. If you haven't had their burgers yet, you are missing out. We were thrilled to find out there's one in Raleigh. I don't know if I ever ate there before I was diagnosed with Celiac. After that, eating out has been cut to a minimum. I took 45 8th graders on their reward luncheon tomorrow and found out everything at Five Guys is gluten free...except their buns. Well, I had a burger with no bun and all the extra goodies, a small fry, and a coke. DELICIOUS! I kept eating, and eating, and eating....I don't think I should have to exercise self-control with a gluten free diet AND watch portions. That's asking way too much. Well, I was pretty miserable the rest of the day and night. I woke up this morning feeling incredibly nauseous. I figured I would go in to work and hopefully feel better if it was associated with Celiac. Well, I made it, but I felt worse by the minute. I found someone to cover 1st period and put in a request for a sub. Great...a bug from one of the kids. I'm on a tight schedule with my classes so this was NOT ideal. I made it home and hit up the bathroom. Within an hour, I was feeling back to normal. That's all good except I used a sick day for that. So, I took a nap and I'm still feeling better. I finally ate some food and the headache is going away. Celiac is annoying. Luckily, that's all it was. But Celiac is not something to take lightly either. :::sigh:::

On an exciting note, we booked our vacation! YEAH! Plus we get to share the week with some of our best friends. We can't wait. This deal is the best deal I think we have found yet. Now if we can just get a decent flight... This week I've been starting to think about starting a traveling blog. hmmmmm..................

1 comment:

Joshua said...

Cheree and I are quite jealous of the vacation! We really hope you guys have a blast as we will be forever grateful that you guys introduced us to such an amazing honeymoon destination!