Tuesday, October 14, 2008



I'm home alone.  I can hear the fan for the refrigerator running.  The kids yelling and laughing outside. And when the AC kicks on or off.  I haven't really heard these sounds in quite awhile.  Something about it is peaceful.

Martha and MJ have been with us a few weeks now.  (They got the keys to their place today.)  Mike and I have been blessed with matching schedules.  The Waltons are coming to visit this weekend.  A breath of peace and quiet is a fun change of pace, especially after teaching teenagers all day.  And now, the moment is over...the boys are home.

So, work is busy..., no, who am I kidding.  We only have two students.  Things are going well, for one and not so much the other.  I mean, why do teenage girls always have to have an attitude?  The more I'm around them, the more respect I have for my dad.  I mean, why on earth would you raise three teenage girls on your own?  My dad has got to be the biggest hero!  Not only did he put up with me, but two others.  What was HE thinking?!

So, on another side note, FINANCES!  I feel like it's the big elephant.  With the stock market and all that, everyone is talking about.  We're still a few hundred dollars short of our support.  Plus, I'm still trying to find some supplemental income to make up the difference for out FL condo and attorney fees.  Tutoring isn't working out the best, so we're back to a few months ago:  I'm starting my own business!  So, for now, I'm looking for models.  Seriously!  I'm going to start a photography business.  I feel like my shots have gotten quite a bit better over the past year or two.  I do have a lot of growing to do, but I'm hoping to learn as I make some extra cash.  So, if you're around and interested, let me know.  Babies, maternity, couples, children, seniors, etc.  I'm starting to advertise for Christmas cards soon.  So, pass the word and give me a call.

One more thought, vacation.  I think I need one.  Not sure where or when, but somehow.  Maybe here:  Barcelo Maya Palace


So, I knew it had been awhile.  I was really excited to post our October update this morning before work.  Apparently, I need to do more than that, considering my last post was our September update!  I guess that's a sign of the fall - busyness.  So, I'll leave the update for now, but hope to be back with some more thoughts later.  There's a lot going on, so hopefully I pick something of interest to share.